
Family Connections Project Webinar Series

This is a four part webinar series that was created for the Family Connections Project.

Building Effective Partnerships with Continuums of Care to Increase Housing Options for People Leaving Prisons and Jails

To connect people in reentry with housing, an essential first step for corrections agencies is to engage with their Continuum of Care, charged by HUD to prioritize people for HUD-funded homeless assistance on a community level.

This webinar provides strategies for corrections leaders and staff to build these relationships, with a focus on establishing buy-in to serve a shared population and implementing community-wide prioritization and referral processes.

The webinar also features presentations from communities that have successfully built partnerships across the criminal justice and housing/homeless assistance systems to increase housing opportunities for people reentering.

The Hidden Costs of Reentry: Understanding the Barriers to Removing a Criminal Record

NIJ hosted a webinar to discuss under-researched aspects of reentry: expungement of criminal records and the impact of those records. This webinar includes a presentation of ongoing research projects examining the impact of legal aid for expungement and past research projects studying the accuracy and permanency of criminal records and the prevalence of collateral consequences of conviction. A Q&A session will conclude this webinar. Video Run Time: 1 hr., 29 mins.

Leadership (NIC Webinar Series)

Have you ever struggled to decide whether it is more important to support your people or your agency? On the one hand, you want to do the right thing to take care of those on the frontline, but you’ve also got to make sure that the work gets done. Most supervisors, managers, and executives have encountered this dilemma.
In fact, it’s a commonly mentioned concern in management training classes. In this webinar, Dr. Ed Sherman will discuss the balance between productivity and ensuring that employees have the assistance and resources that are necessary to function effectively. While sometimes considered as being in opposition to one another, these two needs can and should exist in a parallel, complimentary manner to produce the best possible outcomes, as will become evident during this training.

Current and Innovative Practices in Reducing Staff Trauma and Organizational Stress in Corrections for Correctional Officers

This webinar will present the findings from a two-year cooperative agreement with NIC and national correctional stakeholders. Presenters will share current and best practices and propose innovative solutions to reduce correctional staff trauma and organizational stress in U.S. jail and prison settings based on the findings from a scoping review and national survey.

Promoting Civility in the Correctional Workplace (NIC Webinar Series)

Workplace incivility describes the subtle and obvious behaviors that are generally rude, discourteous, and suggesting of a lack of respect for others. When unchecked, incivility erodes an organization’s culture and adversely impacts the well-being of those who are the targets of uncivil behavior.
Workplace incivility needs to be challenged and talked about openly. Knowing the causes of incivility, its consequences, and how to promote civility in the workplace can help correctional leaders and employees build psychologically safe environments where everyone grows and thrives.

Diversity Equity and Inclusion (NIC Webinar Series)

A 4 part series on DEIA topics provided by the National Institute of Corrections

Connections to Behavioral Health and Support Services through Reentry

During the reentry process, people work across various sectors to offer support to people who are being released from incarceration by providing connections to care for behavioral health, housing, transportation, and other supportive services. While there are challenges providing connections to care, there are also some success stories that Second Chance Act grantees can offer insight on. This webinar features two grantees who have utilized innovative ways to provide post-release connections to care for people who are returning to various communities. Video Run Time: 1 hr., 12 mins

Connecting People Who Have Serious Mental Illnesses to Care: Tele-health and Other Strategies

As telehealth expands, communities across the country are looking for information on how best to facilitate connections to care for people with serious mental illnesses being discharged from jail. This webinar hosted by the Stepping Up partners focuses on increasing connections to care in a changing world, featuring tips and strategies directly from counties.