Barracks Behind Bars

This paper is the second in the National Institute of Corrections justice-involved veteran compendium project. It illuminates programs in jails across the country and how justice involved veterans have been helped by them. It illustrates the design, development, implementation, and sustainment of initiatives taken by enlightened, pragmatic corrections officials who have set up veteran-specific housing—in pods, dorms, units, wings, or floors—and programming for military veterans.

Adult Pre-Release Handbook: Pre-Release Information for an Informed Re-Entry and a Successful Transition

Pre-release handbook that focuses on topics including housing, employment, health, and financial needs. Resource includes worksheets to assist individuals in determining their individual needs.

Providing Services in a Jail-Based American Job Center

This issue brief series explores lessons from the evaluation of the Employment and Training Administration’s Linking to Employment Activities Prerelease (LEAP) grants, funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Chief Evaluation Office. LEAP pilots the creation of jail-based American Job Centers (AJCs) to support the successful reentry of participants and directly link them to community-based AJCs upon release. The evaluation looks at approaches to providing services before and after incarceration across 20 sites based on site visits, phone interviews, focus groups, and grantee performance reports.

Strengthening Correctional Culture: Eight Ways Corrections Leaders Can Support Their Staff To Reduce Recidivism

Every organization struggles with change. Fostering a culture that supports change in a corrections organization can be particularly challenging. Staff require strong leadership, structure, and clear policies and practices that help them succeed at their jobs. When any one of those factors changes, it is not unusual to see reactions ranging from mild anxiety to rigid resistance.

Why we need transformational leadership and emotional intelligence in corrections

The National Institute of Corrections encourages transformational leadership, which is based on mentorship and accessibility

Strengthening Correctional Culture: Eight Ways Corrections Leaders Can Support Their Staff To Reduce Recidivism

Given that the primary goal of corrections is to manage offenders so that they will not reoffend, this guide outlines eight ways that corrections leaders can create a correctional culture that is effective in reducing recidivism.

Exploring Healthcare Experiences for Incarcerated Individuals Who Identify as Transgender in a Southern Jail

To document the health-related experiences and needs of jail detainees who self-identified as transgender women.

Jail-Based Medication-Assisted Treatment: Promising Practices, Guidelines, and Resources for the Field

Jails are on the front lines of this epidemic, and they also are in a unique position to initiate treatment in a controlled, safe environment. Pharmacotherapy—i.e., medication-assisted treatment—is a cornerstone of best practice for recovery from substance abuse. Treatment using MAT, particularly when coupled with evidence-based behavioral therapy, improves medical and mental health outcomes and reduces relapses and recidivism.


This Loss Bulletin is intended to help municipalities, and their law enforcement officers and jailers reduce their risk of civil liability in connection with the maintenance and operation of their jails. Understanding the current case law and acting accordingly should significantly decrease the risk to cities and towns, police officers, supervisors, and jailers from lawsuits filed by prisoners and their families.