
From Corrections to Community: Navigating the New Medicaid Section 1115 Demonstration Opportunity, Part 1

This webinar introduces correctional leaders and allied stakeholders to the opportunities available under the new Medicaid Reentry Section 1115 demonstration opportunity to support transition-related strategies, pre-release services, and community reentry

Medicaid Section 1115 Waivers and Other Mechanisms to Support Service Expansion for Individuals With Substance Use Disorder and/or Justice System Involvement

This report highlights efforts in 11 states to expand access to healthcare services and other supports for Medicaid beneficiaries with substance use disorder and/or involvement with the justice system.

The Elected Official’s Toolkit for Jail Reentry

Nine million individuals are released from local jails each year, many struggling with mental illness, homelessness, and substance abuse. Jail reentry initiatives work to address these needs, thereby reducing both recidivism and criminal justice costs.The Elected Official’s Toolkit for Jail Reentry provides information and resources for local elected officials interested in launching or expanding a jail reentry initiative. The Toolkit includes an overview of jail reentry, first steps for developing a context-appropriate jail reentry initiative, essential facts and data to engage stakeholders, sample legislation, profiles of elected officials who have championed jail reentry, and a guide to additional resources.

Life After Lockup: Improving Reentry from Jail to the Community

Each year, US jails process an estimated 12 million admissions and releases. Substance addiction, job and housing instability, mental illness, and health problems are daily realities for a significant share of this population. Given that more than 80 percent of inmates are incarcerated for less than a month, jails have little time or capacity to address these deep-rooted and often overlapping issues. Life After Lockup synthesizes key findings from the Jail Reentry Roundtable and examines opportunities on the jail-to-community continuum where reentry-focused interventions can make a difference.

Jail Reentry Roundtable Meeting Summary

Little attention has been paid to the issue of reentry from local jails, despite the fact that jails process more than 12 million admissions and releases each year. With support from the Bureau of Justice Assistance, the Urban Institute, John Jay College of Criminal Justice, and the Montgomery County Department of Correction and Rehabilitation partnered to convene a Jail Reentry Roundtable. The two-day meeting, held June 2006, brought together leading jail administrators, researchers, corrections and law enforcement professionals, county and community leaders, service providers, and former inmates to discuss the unique dimensions, challenges, and opportunities of jail reentry. This document summarizes the Roundtable presentations and discussion.

The Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) Initiative

Over nine million people pass through America’s local jails each year. These people often don’t receive services, support, or supervision as they leave jail and reenter the community. To address these issues during transition, the National Institute of Corrections (NIC) partnered with the Urban Institute in 2007 to launch the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) initiative.

Making People’s Transition from Prison and Jail to the Community Safe and Successful

This brief from the National Reentry Resource Center highlights advancements made in state and local governments’ approaches to reentry and reducing recidivism since the passage of the Second Chance Act in 2008. It underscores the involvement of diverse constituencies and systems in these efforts, the field’s increasing understanding and application of what works to reduce recidivism, and promising recidivism outcomes in a number of states. Finally, this brief points to the critical work that is still ahead to transform systems, continue to improve reentry for people returning to the community after incarceration, and reduce recidivism in state and local jurisdictions across the country.

NIJ-Funded Research Examines What Works for Successful Reentry

NIJ-supported research has shown that there is no one-size-fits-all model for successful reentry. However, NIJ-supported researchers have evaluated reentry programs with effective and ineffective attributes, and these studies have identified some efforts that could actually be counterproductive.

Adult Pre-Release Handbook: Pre-Release Information for an Informed Re-Entry and a Successful Transition

Pre-release handbook that focuses on topics including housing, employment, health, and financial needs. Resource includes worksheets to assist individuals in determining their individual needs.

The Role of Human Service Providers During Community Supervision

The Role of Human Service Providers During Community Supervision examines the intersection between community supervision and the human service needs of people on probation, parole, and pretrial release.