
The Jails and Justice Support Center: A vital resource for the nation’s jails

The Jails and Justice Support Center (JJSC) assists jails in creating and sustaining safe, humane, and effective environments for their populations including incarcerated individuals, staff, and visitors.

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Resource Highlights

Tennessee Jail Staff Wellness

In an effort to address correctional staffing challenges and increase job satisfaction among staff working in Tennessee’s jails, the Tennessee Corrections Institute (TCI) partnered with researchers from Austin Peay State University (APSU) and the Crime and Justice Institute (CJI) to conduct interviews with a sample of jail staff across the state.

Initiative to Increase Access to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment in Jails

BJA will lead the support for this 9-month planning initiative to help communities develop a comprehensive continuum of care that targets individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) in jails and builds bridges to increase access to treatment both in custody and with community-based MAT providers upon release. Under this solicitation, up to 15 communities will be selected to participate in the planning initiative.

Jails Report Series: Preliminary Data Release (2023)

This web-only report provides preliminary statistics on key items from the annual jail data collection. Statistics include the number of inmates held in local jails, by inmate demographics and conviction status; the number of admissions to jail; and jail incarceration rates, between 2013 and 2023. Final statistics will be published in the forthcoming report, Jail Inmates in 2023 – Statistical Tables.

"The Jails and Justice Support Center, developed in close collaboration with stakeholders who operate jails, plays a pivotal role in the Bureau of Justice Assistance's commitment to delivering direct and impactful assistance to the criminal justice field. Sheriffs, jail administrators, county leaders, and other stakeholders nationwide will reap the benefits of information, resources, and technical assistance designed to address the specific needs and challenges faced by jails today."
Karhlton Moore
Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) Director
"The collaboration between the National Institute of Corrections and its federal partners in launching the Jails and Justice Support Center is a significant step towards better serving the nation's sheriffs and jail administrators. It highlights NIC's long-standing dedication to supporting them and their vital role in the criminal justice system. Through this collaborative effort, they can access the resources and assistance needed to manage their jails effectively and promote community safety."
Holly Busby
National Institute of Corrections (NIC) Director (A)