Core Topics Library

Core Topics Library

Behavioral Health, Medical, Medical and Behavioral Health, Screening and Assessment
Adverse Impacts of Mental Health Needs Assessment on Jail Outcomes

Examines the causal impact of mental health needs scores on youth and adult outcomes such as suicide attempts and incarceration duration.

Screening and Assessment
National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA): Screening and Assessment Tools Chart

The Screening and Assessment Tools Chart provides a comprehensive guide and links to evidence-based screening and assessment tools you can use with your patients from adolescence to adulthood.

Screening and Assessment
Prevention and care can reduce suicides in jail

These are only some of the evidence-based changes that jails can adopt to improve safety among inmates. Developing a comprehensive suicide prevention plan and providing adequate health care and conditions of confinement that support the health and well being of inmates can save lives, and should be a standard to which we hold all of our correctional facilities.

Screening and Assessment
Screening & Assessment Tools in Jail

2018 NACo Annual Conference and Exposition

Screening and Assessment
The Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS)

The Clinical Opiate Withdrawal Scale (COWS) is an 11-item scale designed to be administered by a clinician. This tool can be used in both inpatient and outpatient settings to reproducibly rate common signs and symptoms of opiate withdrawal and monitor these symptoms over time.

Screening and Assessment
The Role of Screening and Assessment in Jail Reentry

In 2007, the National Institute of Corrections partnered with the Urban Institute to develop and test the Transition from Jail to Community (TJC) model for effective jail-to-community transition.

Screening and Assessment
Using the CES-D-7 as a Screening Instrument to Detect Major Depression among the Inmate Population

The practice of prescribing in jails and prisons is often different from that in the community. Serious mental illness is common among inmates, and so are co-morbidities such as substance use, impulse-control, attention-deficit/hyperactivity, and personality disorders.

Screening and Assessment
Opioid Addiction Guide: A guide for Patients, Families and Friends

This document provides facts about treatment from the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM).

Screening and Assessment
Integrate Routine Screening for Substance Use and Misuse and Co-occurring Disorders into Key Points in the Criminal Justice System

Abstract: Routine screening for substance use and misuse and co-occurring disorders at all intercepts of the criminal justice system is an effective way of making an initial determination about the presence of behavioral disorders and connecting an individual to further assessment and services.

Screening and Assessment
CIWA-AR Assessment for Alcohol Withdrawal

The Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment Alcohol Scale Revised (CIWA-AR) is an instrument used by medical professionals to assess and diagnose the severity of alcohol withdrawal.

10 documents