Tennessee Jail Staff Wellness – March 2024

In an effort to address correctional staffing challenges and
increase job satisfaction among staff working in Tennessee’s
jails, the Tennessee Corrections Institute (TCI) partnered with
researchers from Austin Peay State University (APSU) and the
Crime and Justice Institute (CJI) to conduct interviews with a
sample of jail staff across the state.

Medicaid Section 1115 Waivers and Other Mechanisms to Support Service Expansion for Individuals With Substance Use Disorder and/or Justice System Involvement

This report highlights efforts in 11 states to expand access to healthcare services and other supports for Medicaid beneficiaries with substance use disorder and/or involvement with the justice system.

Medicaid Section 1115 Waivers and Other Mechanisms to Support Service Expansion for Individuals With Substance Use Disorder and/or Justice System Involvement

This report highlights efforts in 11 states to expand access to healthcare services and other supports for Medicaid beneficiaries with substance use disorder and/or involvement with the justice system.

Comprehensive Opioid Stimulant and Substance Use Program (COSSUP)

America’s substance misuse crisis is a public safety and public health emergency that threatens the well-being of individuals who misuse drugs as well as their families, communities, and, ultimately, the nation. It impacts first responders, the criminal justice system, child welfare and foster care, behavioral health systems, and victim service providers. Supporting the field in addressing this epidemic is one of the U.S. Department of Justice’s top priorities and, at the center of this response, is the Bureau of Justice Assistance’s (BJA) Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP).

Indicators of Mental Health Problems Reported by Prisoners: Survey of Prison Inmates, 2016

This brief presents prevalence estimates of two mental health indicators based on data reported by state and federal prisoners: the prisoner reported experiences that met the threshold for serious psychological distress (SPD) during the 30 days prior to their interview and the prisoner having a history of a mental health problem. Findings are based on self-reported data from the 2016 Survey of Prison Inmates.

Stepping Up: A National Initiative Reducing Overincarceration of People with Mental Illnesses

The Stepping Up initiative supports local jurisdictions in establishing and reaching measurable goals that demonstrate reduced prevalence of serious mental illness across the justice system.

Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)

BJA strengthens the Nation’s criminal justice system and helps America’s state, local, and tribal jurisdictions reduce and prevent crime, reduce recidivism, and promote a fair and safe criminal justice system. BJA focuses its programmatic and policy efforts on providing a wide range of resources, including training and technical assistance, to law enforcement, courts, corrections, treatment, reentry, justice information sharing, and community-based partners to address chronic and emerging criminal justice challenges nationwide.

Building Second Chances: Tools for Local Reentry Coalitions

Building Second Chances: Tools for Local Reentry Coalitions is a comprehensive toolkit for reentry coalition leaders and local city, county, and community leaders who want to play an active role in improving reentry policy, practice, and outcomes. This toolkit will help you to take stock of how best to improve outcomes for people leaving prison and jail. It will help you evaluate your current reentry efforts and map out the future of reentry for your community. The toolkit has user-friendly references to seminal publications, research findings, and noteworthy examples to give you the knowledge and skills to design new and reinvigorate existing reentry strategies.

Programs That Support Jails

This document provides a series of brief descriptions of Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) programs that have the purpose of supporting jails and criminal justice through funding, training and technical assistance (TTA), and other methods. Each program listed includes a brief scope note and links to relevant websites.

Programs That Support Behavioral Health

This document provides a listing of 19 Bureau of Justice Assistance programs that support behavioral health initiatives, and includes descriptive paragraphs and links to relevant websites.